only took three tries, only… 1. Install Windows Server 2016 R5 a. renames computer, create domain, join domain, install .Net 3.5, install IIS $domainName = “” $safeModeAdminPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString “password” -asPlainText -force Rename-Computer -NewName “Server01” –DomainCredential domainadmin -Restart Add-Windowsfeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools Install-WindowsFeature –name NET-Framework-Core –Source E:Sourcessxs Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -IncludeAllSubFeature -ComputerName Server01 -WhatIf Install-ADDSForest -DomainName $domainName -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $safeModeAdminPassword -Confirm:$false 2. Install SQL Server 2016 a. Go through setup, install prerequisites, then need to create instance where SharePoint Database will be stored…
Category: Windows Server
SharePoint Online doesn’t allow public access anymore, so either pay $100+ for hosting or try host myself using VM and Server/SharePoint 2016. Figured out how to deploy SharePoint farm and got blog setup, however I’m stuck on port forwarding and hosting using my domain. Try it later.
Been logging into server to manage Hyper-V, but turns out I can just login through local computer. Nice to know.
AM Azure Active Directory – got computer to sync with Azure AD, but wasn’t abot to join local domain, issues with windows 10 azure ad, coudn’t system restore, so ended up reimaging Reprofiler2Setup.exe – fixed detatched profile, but had issue with bitlocker not autounlocking for removable devices. Azure Machine Learning – As clicking through menus came…