Presenting at Pycon 2021

As a seasoned data analyst and Python enthusiast, I recently had the honor of presenting at PyCon, the largest annual gathering of Python developers and enthusiasts from around the world. My presentation, “From Spreadsheets to DataFrames: Escaping Excel Hell with Python,” aimed to showcase the benefits of using Python and its powerful data manipulation libraries…

ZeroMQ – High-Speed Subscribers

I’ve been messing around with Low latency and high frequency message processing and figured it might be worth sharing.  I created an example of the High-Speed Subscribers (Black Box Pattern) using ZeroMQ, “a high-performance asynchronous messaging library”.  According to its creator, you can pipe through 2 mil to 6 mil+ messages per second with one…

Company Report

Reminder: Purpose of website in general is to give a broad range of my capabilities, so in many cases end up sacrificing quality for quantity.             (Report Template: Equity Research Report Essentials – CFA Institute)

Working On

Processing Data, Storing, Analyzing ASAP Python – HTML Parsing,  Databases – MongoDB, ??Redis Displaying – ?? Django, Flask, D3, Javascript,… Virtual Machines / App Managers / Message Queuing – Running multiple Processes Docker – Linux / Windows Containers Hyper-V – Windows Virtual Machine RabbitMQ – Messaging Server Text Processing / Document Searching – How can…


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