I gave a talk at STL Python last week about learning Python from an Excel User point of view. Check out the GitHub repo for slides and examples.
Category: Python
“What really drives stock price is when something is unanticipated,” said Erik Gordon, a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Earnings season is the time during which publicly-traded companies announce their financial results in the market. It occurs at the end of every quarter, i.e., four times in a…
Assuming Conda and Google Cloud SDK are install, open up command prompt and run following commands:
Just wanted to highlight that I started a Flask Dashboard for the Py-Sec-Edgar package. https://github.com/ryansmccoy/sec-filings-app
Been messing around with Spark, Cassandar, and Python.
I installed Cassandra using Docker and inserted the intra-day data into using following scripts.
A few examples of downloading data using Tiingo API using Python/Pandas. Note that Tiingo requires an API key
A few examples of working with Apache Arrow and Python
The following script will install Anaconda3 (mini) via bash and will also create a user environment with pandas, numpy, sqlalchemy, flask, psycopg2.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Oe9ZqXVGME&t=2427s How To Download and Process SEC XBRL Data Directly from EDGAR ^https://github.com/altova/sec-xbrl thanks Alex $ python loadSECfilings.py -y 2014 -m 1 –f 2014 –t 2017 http://rankandfiled.com/ pretty cool