Request HTML Celery, RabbitMQ, and Redis

  To run need to do two things (while in folder of python 1)  Run worker by executing the python program with the “worker” arguement: $ celery –A tasks worker –loglevel=info 2)  Call the task aka run: $ python ####################### # import requests from html import unescape class GrabHTML(object): def __init__(self): pass…

SQL Server Create New Table And Insert Data using Python

Python Script to insert CSV File into SQL Server Database import pandas as pd import csv import pyodbc import sys, os USERNAME = ‘sa’ PASSWORD = ‘password’ SERVER = ‘server’ DATABASE = ‘DATA’ DRIVERNAME = ‘ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server’ cnxn = pyodbc.connect(‘Driver={‘+DRIVERNAME+’};Server=’+SERVER+’;Database=’+DATABASE+’;uid=’+USERNAME+’;pwd=’+PASSWORD) cur = cnxn.cursor() ##### using pandas grab first row for column…

Working On–Week Review

Searching Website/Html/Document  – currenly using Docfetcher, PowerGrep Flask/Django – looking into creating search page for html files Docker, MongoDB (3T MongoChef), Redis (Redis Desktop Manager) in Docker Storing the Data – HTML, CSV, JSON Pandas – dataframes, concat, merge OpenrefineGoogleRefine –  Seemed to do trick so NLTK will come another day Natual Language Processing – Briefly…

Working on

Databases PostgreSQL 9 Redis MySQL MongoDB Cassandra (haven’t touched) Neo4j (Graphs) Data and Stream Processing Kafka Storm (haven’t touched) RabbitMQ Celery Puppet (haven’t touched) Text Search ElasticSearch Solr Tika Lucene Docfetcher (Tika & Lucene & Java) Web Scraping Scrapy Requests ?? Spark (haven’t touched) Hadoop (haven’t touched)